Graham has been short of breath with a high heart rate since last night. He has been masked with high oxygen and unable to speak. With the procedure today, there were worried they would not be able to complete it because he could not lay flat.
He went down at 10:00am and they were unable to attempt putting the catheter in until 11:45am. They soon found that he had full blockage (they kind of expected this) and would need to replace his current port with a double Vortex Port. This would be so he could receive IVs and do a Photopheresis treatment at the same time. When they went in, because he has had his port for almost 10 years, his body has attached to it. To be able to remove it without damaging the current catheter and vein, they needed to take him to the OR.
He has been on local anesthesia for most of the day. His breathing was so bad they needed to intubate him during the procedure. They did successfully switch out the two ports, but he was unable to breathe on his own.
Graham is now in ICU on a vent. I am scared. I am so scared that I will never be able to speak to my other half again. Graham is one of the strongest and bravest people I know. I know he is putting up a fight and will not give up.
Please let me know if there is anything I can do, I'm so sorry for everything that is going on with graham but I'm sure he is fighting a good fight!