Catheter: noun cath·e·ter \ˈka-thə-tər, ˈkath-tər\ medical : a thin tube that is put into the body to remove or inject a liquid or to keep a passage open (used for many things...not just the extraction of urine)
To stop the rejection, Graham needs a treatment called Photopheresis. This is where they will cycle out his blood, separate the white blood cells, zap them with a photo thing, and put his blood back in him. This process will help heal the white blood cells so they may help fight the rejection. This treatment has phenomenal results. All he needs to get this started is a catheter to connect to a Vortex port.
The orders were put in a week AFTER the procedure was ok'd by insurance. Instead of asking the referring doctor for clarification on the specific type of port they wanted to use and if they had one, the Interventional Radiology (IR) lab decided to just call a medical supply company to get this port. This medical supply company said it would take 1 WEEK to get to the hospital, then the IR lab could do the procedure Tuesday (Labor one works). THREE WEEKS AFTER THE ORDERS WERE PUT IN! Meanwhile, Graham's health is fading at a VERY rapid pace.
On Wednesday of this week, Graham had a bronch scheduled with Dr. Rosenblatt. He took one look at Graham and was pissed. No one ever relayed the message that he was as bad off as he was. He was also unaware that IR was dragging their feet with the catheter. So needless to say, S*** hit the fan and Dr. Rosenblatt got things running. He admitted Graham into the hospital and got him on the schedule for Friday for the catheter and port. TADA....Thank you Dr. Rosenblatt, it's why we love you.
Praying continuously. Keep fighting! We are taking the girls duck hunting like we talked about last. Love you brother! You got this do what you do best and overcome. Jeff