
Saturday, September 5, 2015

Strongest Fighter EVER!!!!

To all of you who prayed, THANK YOU!  God has definitely answered...Graham woke up this morning (victory #1) and was able to write: "What the fuck happened?" Sorry for the profanity,  but I feel the need to include it all :)
The nurse was able to explain his night to him, he asked for Sports Center, then went back to bed.  They continued his anesthesia but wanted to start reducing the amount of "work" the vent was actually doing.  Graham responded so well and so quick, by 10:55 THEY PULLED THE VENT (victory #2)!!!!!!!  And then he spoke to me (victory #3).  I can't tell you how happy this made me.  I love this man's voice and I got to hear it again.  And not only hear it, his humor and personality were all back.  Not the scared, breathless sick man I've been seeing the past 48 hours, but the strong, funny man I've grown to need around.

He has recollection of most of his day yesterday.  In his heart of hearts, when he hugged and kissed his mother and I goodbye at the OR, he believed he would never wake up and see us or Jordan again.  He woke up so pleasantly shocked that he was alive!  He has all the same questions we do - how do you go into a simple procedure and end up in the ICU on a ventilator?  Who knows.  But he looks so good!  He has not looked this well in over a week.  Mind you, he's still not well, but we are FINALLY looking a little up.

He is very anxious to get back up to the 10th floor.  This means he gets to see our girl.  He wants to hug and kiss and soak her all in.  And I can't wait to watch.  He will be in ICU for at least another day.  They still need to monitor his breathing, not wanting him to revert back to how he was yesterday morning.  And who knows if he'll get to come home in any near future; but we get another moment with our Super Man and my heart is happy.

AND I've already told him he IS NOT allowed to pull that stunt again!


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

    1. Tell him his Aunt Sweetie says howdy and welcome back to stardom......."F" bombs and everything!!!!
