
Monday, September 7, 2015


A dear friend brought something, that I've never thought about, to my attention.  He said, "He means a lot to so many people.  He won't give up."

We have been extremely blessed to have so many friends from all different walks of life, beliefs, and faiths.  No matter where we are in this world, people gravitate towards Graham and become instant friends (or what he calls you "buddies").  They are imprinted on our lives and hearts.  We probably do not deserve this, but we have it.  We are pretty damn lucky.  The term "COEXIST" has always meant something to us because of all of you.  We fully value the Freedom of Religion Amendment.  We choose to be Christians and believe in the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit; but we also love the fact that we get to learn about all the other beliefs and religions everyone else has.  One thing I have learned is that we all have one common act: prayer.  Call it what you will - prayer, meditation, "thinking of you(s)" or "how can we help(s)" but if someone were to do any of these acts, your God, our God hears it.  And He hears just how important someone is and just how much this person is meant to be on this Earth.

I am a firm believer in prayer.  I fully believe Graham has been saved on 2 occasions now because of it...Transplant 5 years ago and last Friday.  Both times, he was dying and might have been slated to leave this Earth.  But both times we have been blessed by all of your kind thoughts, prayers and meditation.  Thank you!  I am completely indebted to you.  I pray for you even when you are not hurting.  Thank you for imprinting on our lives and being a part of us.

I believe Graham has more important things to do in this world.  Meet more people and teach those who suffer from Cystic Fibrosis that there is hope for a full life.

As for an update on his health: his body is still aching from Friday's events.  His new port is still sore so it's hard for him to move around.  His jaw is now aching from being intubated and he has a migraine type headache that won't go away.  He still has no appetite and has barely eaten a thing since last Tuesday - I can only imagine that this is making him weaker and weaker.  But he is still fighting.  After all he has all of you and his little family, and that is worth the fight.

We love you :)

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