
Tuesday, June 7, 2016

Tweedle Dee and Tweedle Dumb

OMG!!!  Graham might go into Cardiac Arrest with these to yahoos they sent to work the Photopheresis treatment.

1. It took them FOREVER to figure out how to run the machine.
However, the man working did tell Graham he has a big stick (the needle) and he didn't get the horrible pun he said.
2. The lady made MANY comments on Graham's size, even comparing him to a small child.  This was making his skin crawl.  She was so consumed and worried about his size, we forced her to call Baylor Apheresis to explain how to work the machine for his size.  We can't wait to get their take on things.  They don't fool around with fools.  Frankly, they have the same humor as Graham.  So this really could get interesting.
3. Both the man and the woman narrated EVERY move they made and the man giggled about his commentary.  I actually think I could hang out with him, I could laugh right along with him and have a great time.  She on the other hand was annoying and believed she could do no wrong.  Therefore, Graham loved making sure she was proven wrong on several accounts. 
4. Once they were done hooking him up and done going over orders - THEY COMMENTED ON EVERY NEWS BLIP ON TV.  Again, the man was cracking me up...the woman, ugh.
5. It was awkward - they stood there like they are in the picture - staring at the machine and talking almost the whole time, about Graham.

My goal is to crack the man - currently, we have him on his band wagon about motorcycles and he's freaking out about Graham's past on motorcycles.  He's very animated when he's excited - it's awesome. 

Then Tweedle Dumb has nothing to say, so she leans up against the wall and smacks her gum, staring at the vampire machine squirting blood into the bowl...ew.

I need wine or whiskey for this.