
Thursday, October 15, 2015

Moving Mountains

Dr. Rosenblatt called us the other night.  He wanted us to know that he is Graham's biggest advocate and he will never give up on him.  He is completely baffled by Graham's current state and has no clue as to why he has crashed so quickly.  One doctor kept calling it this "aggressive rejection" but Rosenblatt has never said this.  He went on to tell us that Graham is the poster child for a successful lung transplant and what has happened over the past 3 months could have never been seen or predicted. 

UT Southwestern has denied Graham a 2nd transplant.  I knew why Rosenblatt was waiting so long to speak to Dr. Torres, I believe he knew that he'd deny him.  But it wasn't just for the nonsense of a resistant bacteria, UT Southwestern rarely gives 2nd Double Lung Transplants; this I can wrap my head around.

But again, Rosenblatt has not given up.  He plans of bugging and continuing to persuade Dr. Mason (Baylor Surgeon) to forget about his great statistics and to take a chance on Graham.  He will also be calling Duke, in North Carolina, which is one of the top hospitals in the nation, to plea Graham's case.  As much as it scares me to move, the chance for Graham to live is priceless and we wouldn't even blink an eye to get that chance.

Jordan and I had a conversation yesterday about prayer.  It went like this:
"Mommy, you know what I learned in Church?  That if we prayed hard enough, we could move a mountain."
"Oh really?"
"Yes, if we stood next to a mountain and we held hands and prayed really hard, the mountain would move."
"It's a figure of speech baby, that means it's not a real mountain but an event.  Do you know what that means?"
"I know, my Daddy is a mountain."
"You're right!  Do you remember a month ago when we had to tell you Daddy didn't have much longer?"
"Do you know that many, many people are thinking of and praying for Daddy?  Many individuals, groups and Churches."
"I pray for Daddy ever night.  Is that why he got better?"
"I believe so."
"We moved Daddy's Mountain."

And yes, I still remember every word, it touched me so deeply.  I write it so that I may never forget.

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