
Monday, October 12, 2015

Home Again!

Graham is finally back home...again!  The Doctors are hopeful that he has hit bottom.  The hope is that the Photopheresis is doing it's job.  We were really praying for more, but glad that at least it appears to have stalled or slowed down Graham's rejection tremendously.  They hope (notice that I keep using HOPE because let's face it, they have no clue) this means Graham will not get any worse, or at least it will be a slow digression.  But it also means, he won't can't any better.

It's really hard to know what to feel.  I am VERY grateful that Graham is still alive and coherent.  But the life we have had for so long I believe is over.  No more getting up and going anywhere - not even in a wheelchair.  I haven't asked what Graham thinks of this new life, mainly because I already know and I don't want to hear it out of his mouth. 

Graham will continue with Photopheresis for this week and then move to every other week.  This is good news: for his anemia and it proves it is working.  He will also start Physical Therapy for his lungs (the correct term is Pulmonary Something...I think I went to a really good daydream at this point); this will help him begin to learn how to work with his new lung capacity.

We hope to get back to some normalcy too.  Have you ever heard of anyone looking forward to going to work?  Oh - this family definitely is!!!

Thank you so much for your continued thoughts and prayers!  Graham coming home and infection free is DEFINITELY a prayer (or a 100) answered.  And who knows, just maybe we can make this work awesomely.

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