
Thursday, February 25, 2016

Parents Night Out

The love and support that we receive and feel is remarkable and unbelievable.  We are in constant shock that we deserve any of this and we are completely indebted to you all.  Last week, 3 dear friends, with help from MANY more, hosted an Auction and Parent's Night Out in our honor.  I LOATHE asking for help or donations, but they insisted and I'm glad they did.  It became bigger and better than anyone had ever imagined.  All who donated items for the auction, everyone who bid, all who came out to the PNO (parents and kiddo's), all who gave up their time, gave me the happiest of tears.  With all that is dark and wrong with the world, to see the outpouring of love and the urge to help either someone you know and love, or do not know at all, is AWESOME.  All of this makes me want to be a better person, be a better Christian, be a better friend, mother, wife, teacher, role model.  Everyone of you have impacted me.  I truly thank you from the bottom of my heart.

Between Thursday and Friday we were able to speak and hang out with friends we have been unable to in a very long time.  The visits, the hugs, the texts and calls are imprinted in happy thoughts. 

Thank you Amber Risley, Sam Pettit, and Liz Lou for making all this happen.  Thank you Deidra Zschiesche and Jami Davis for entertaining the crazy mass of kiddos.  Jill Fishback, Kristi Ratcliff, and Alyssa Morales for feeding them.  And everyone else who helped corral everyone that night!  There were so many happy volunteers.  Definate HIGH point of the week.


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