
Thursday, November 5, 2015

Not a Nipple Photobomb

I was really hoping that his nipple decided to make an appearance in his last x-ray; but no such luck.  Apparently the blur was a fungal infection and they will be treating him with Vorcorti....whatever.  The plan is to only treat him for a couple of months, the last time he was on it for a good stint of time, his skin cancer began appearing at a frightening rate.  He was seeing the doctor monthly removing at least 1/2 a dozen cancerous spots every time.  The hope is that 2 months is enough treatment to fight the fungal infection while not enough time to trigger whatever it is that makes the cancer angry.

It was apparent this weekend, however, that it was an infection in his lung.  Graham had big plans for Halloween, even wanting to dress up to hand out candy.  By Saturday morning, the want was no longer there.  He did make it around the block once with the Jordans (Jordy's close friend and neighbor is also named Jordan - I like to refer to them as "the Jordans") collecting candy and began handing candy out at the bottom of our driveway afterwards.  He loved seeing all our neighbors and friends and fought to stay out as long as he did.  Saturday, Jordan had 2 soccer games and the plan was to attend both.  It warmed our hearts to have so many people help up make it up and down the hill that her first game's field was surrounded by.  Because, without saying anything out loud, I was wondering how the crap I was going to do it.  My new little orange wagon looked pretty pathetic.  After the game, we went to lunch with the team.  I could tell in the car he would not make it long.  Not 15 minutes in, I wheeled him back to the car.  He felt horrible and as soon as we got home, he took his temperature and it was 100.???   It didn't matter.  For the regular Joe, a small fever is nothing to be too worried about.  Take some IB Profin or Tylenol and sleep it off.  But for a Transplant Patient like Graham, it's much like a small baby with a fever that won't break.  Any type of cold, infection, or rejection can make him crash fast (as we got to witness this summer); and there is not much lower he can go.  He stayed home and rested through the 2nd game and luckily his fever broke.

This whole ordeal knocked him out - it wasn't until today, 4 days later, that he is beginning to feel like normal crap not death crap again. 

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